
Take a Look at Your Time Management

Written by Georgia Kirby | Mar 12, 2018 8:00:20 PM

aThere always seems to not be enough hours in the day to get everything we want done - both professionally and personally. However, if we simply identify and change certain bad habits - such as a poor work/life balance, too much tv or procrastinating tasks - we could all get back those hours to reclaim our productivity.

Keep in mind, bad habits are easier to break than one may think. The first step is acknowledging that your overall time management can be improved and that change is more likely to happen gradually.

Ask Yourself the Hard Questions:

  • Are the same mistake repeatedly being made?
  • Are your accounts being done at the last minute every month?
  • What areas costing you and your business time?
  • Are you doing preparation for important meetings the night before?

If your answer to any of the above was yes, then you will need to make changes to your overall routine. Do not worry though, these changes are easy to make and will allow you to be more productive in your workplace. For example make phone calls to avoid time consuming back and forth emails or order lunch so you don't work through it and crash in the afternoon. Simple changes like this can often lead to a more productive outcome.