Being a small business owner can be fantastic. You get to be involved in every aspect of your business, from marketing to event planning, from sales to employee development. Being involved in so many areas of your business saves you from boredom and allows you to use skills you might not have known you had.
The common time waster that stops your business from growing
Topics: tax, efficiency, financial planner, business owner, bookkeeping
How to Maximize your Assets before Retirement with Tactical Investing
Risk tolerance, time horizon, and asset allocation - you've dealt with these factors for a good part of your life, but now, in the face of retirement, they take on a more urgent and significant role. These factors - particularly tactical asset allocation - are vital to maximizing your assets before your retire in a few years' time.
Topics: Self Funded Retirees, planning, efficiency
If you feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of technological gadgets out there, never mind apps and other digital “solutions”, you’re not alone. Technology sprawl and the rabbit hole of more and more information, available all the time, is making productivity—and healthy downtime—a real challenge for many of us.
Although we may be quicker at completing redundant tasks, more time is wasted managing all our different apps and technologies—and more of us live in a near constant state of distraction.
Topics: Technology, management, efficiency